Objectives: The North American Perendale Association (NAPA) was formed to promote the Perendale sheep as dual-purpose (wool and meat) production animal. The association provides members with a means to register their purebred and high percentage Perendale sheep. It also maintains a directory of breeders of registered Perendale sheep, as well as noteworthy news concerning Perendale sheep in North America. Members may also post classified ads when selling or seeking sheep. Finally, NAPA advertises in “Sheep Industry News”, the official publication of the American Sheep Industry Association (ASI), as well as in “The Shepherd” magazine, a national monthly sheep and goat industry magazine.
Criteria for Registration. Sheep may be “recorded” within the North American Perendale registry if they are at least 75% pure Perendale. Sheep may be “registered” if they are at least 85% pure Perendale. To qualify for registration or recordation, all Perendale ancestors must have been included in the NAPA registry, except in the case of lambs conceived via artificial insemination (AI) using imported semen, in which case the AI technician must provide certification of the AI procedure. The fee for registration or transfer of a sheep is $5.00 per transaction. The cost of entering a pedigree for a sheep new to the registry is $7.50 per transaction; such entering of new pedigrees is subject to the authorization of the NAPA secretary. Registration forms and instructions are available on the Associated Registry website.
Membership. The cost of a full membership is $5.00 per year. Junior members may join for free. To become a member, please visit the Associated Registry website.