About Perendale Sheep
Perendale sheep are common in New Zealand, where they originated, but are uncommon in North America. They are a dual-purpose breed, providing both meat and abundant high-quality wool that appeals to handspinners. Perendales are perfect “starter sheep”: easy lambers, excellent mothers, good parasite resistance, with feet that rarely need trimming and intelligent, sensible dispositions. They are “thrifty” sheep, thriving on even marginal forage (thanks to the Cheviots in their background) under conditions where other sheep might suffer. Sheep are medium in size (adult ewes averaging 140-170 lb; rams 220-260 lb), making them easy to handle, while producing lambs that reach market weight (~ 120 lb) at 8 months on 100% grassfed diets. Their meat is described as mild yet flavorful.